Welcome to Remember When Photography!

Elsey Anne
Sunday, January 11, 2009, 7:25 PM

So it has just hit me that Elsey is getting so big. She is acting so grown up already and is testing us all the time. She is really funny and is a total camera ham! Ok....so I just realized I do not take enough pictures of Elsey with my nice camera. After people find out I'm a photographer they say "Oh I bet you take millions of pictures of your daughter"....my reply "Um not really!" This is why....if she see's a camera she is doing this:or this....

So although those are hilarious I can only take so many of the same fake grin. I don't even have to say anything she just does it. So today I tried to catch her when she didn't know I was taking a picture.

I just love her!!:)

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