Welcome to Remember When Photography!

Thursday, January 1, 2009, 9:08 AM

I can't believe it's 2009! Time has really flown by. I am not one for resolutions but this year I decided I am going to try harder to be more organized. The people that really know me know I try to be organized but it usually fails. I am probably the most unorganized person! Especially with my business taxes, paperwork, my purse clutter, our checkbook, my messy closet.....and yes the list could go on. So for this year I am going to try harder to be organized. We will see how that goes:)
Well in all the excitement of Christmas I forgot to post some pictures of Elsey. I took these quick on Christmas Eve before going to our gathering. Hope everyone has a great New Year!!

She was thrilled I finally let her hold an ornament b/c for weeks I have been saying NO!:) Also if you notice all our picture cards we get go on the tree....it's just a nice way to have them displayed without cluttering the fridge:) So if you sent us one that's where you were!!

I hope this year is a great year for everyone. Thank you to all of you who have made it a great success so far!!

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