Welcome to Remember When Photography!

Family.One year
Wednesday, October 22, 2008, 10:27 AM

**Special-Quick Shots** I still have 9:30, 9:45 and 10:15 slots to fill for November 8th. Please let me know if you are interested in doing a session. More details can be viewed from the archive on the left.
I was lucky enough to do Reece's 1 year pictures. He is close to Elsey's age so it's fun to see what boys are into at a year old. We started our session off at the golf course which is right across the road. After walking there we went back to their house and just hung out in the yard. Ann liked the color pictures and I agree. I am typically all about b/w but this time of year color is great also. Here are some fav's:
They had a nice tree with some red leaves on it at the golf course. Also near some rocks....mental note: rocks+ mouth= not a good combo:)
I am not sure what Reece was doing towards Tal but I think it is something between the boys:)
Reece has great smiles!
I find myself doing this way to much but everytime it's different depending on the childs expression....I think Reece likes when mommy and daddy give a kiss!:)
Thanks guys for allowing me to take your pictures again. Enjoy your gallery.

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