Welcome to Remember When Photography!

Senior-Part 1
Monday, October 20, 2008, 9:16 AM

**Still openings on the Special Quick Shots** Check archives to the left

I have worked with some great seniors this year and still have more bookings into November. The weather was great this day but the skeeters were terrible!! Jessica's mom asked a lady she didn't even know if we could borrow her yard and she said yes!! This shows there are very nice people out there that are willing to let people use their yards and property....just have to be brave enough to ask:) Jessica is doing more shots with the snow so there will be a part 2 coming soon! Here are a few of my favorites:

Jessica has a great smile!

She was really easy to talk to and get along with!

A few tree's had lost their leaves
Thanks Jessica! I can't wait until the winter shots until then enjoy your fall gallery!

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