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Phil & Laura
Sunday, August 8, 2010, 2:29 PM

We.... well lets say we kind of had a weird beginning...the night she called about wedding details my daughter decided to pick her brother up out of his swing and ended up dropping him!! So I was trying to keep it together and stay calm but it so wasn't happening. I was signing, waving my arms, yelling silently all while trying to listen to all Laura had to say without saying excuse me, MY DAUGHTER JUST DROPPED MY SON!!:) I was able to hand my son off to my husband and go hide in our bedroom until my daughter came in there and sat right beside me saying...Mom, mom, moooom, mom, mom. Oh my gosh I was for sure Laura was thinking this lady is crazy and obviously has WAY too much on her plate:) Well to my surprise Laura and Phil booked me for their wedding coming up. I am so excited b/c I have never done a Thursday wedding and they are super sweet together. Here are some shots to show their love...

Phil is quite the model himself...pretends not to be but sly with the camera:)Oh boy I love their LOVE...

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