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The Hiemstra Family
Friday, June 11, 2010, 12:10 PM

Oh boy I am not sure I can get through this post without shedding a tear or two.I met Megan through MOPS (mothers of preschoolers). She is one of those people you love to be around & always "seem" happy and chipper. I write "seem" b/c I know that is not always the case but she does a very good job of putting on that front.Megan's husband Mike joined the US Air Force... what a challenge that was for their family. Megan, being the strong woman she is, tried her best to put on that happy & chipper face but sometimes there were those breakdowns which of course how could you not. Just from talking with Megan you can tell that Mike & her children are her world.Megan contacted me about doing a photo shoot with their family when Mike returned....OF COURSE! I was thrilled she asked me. I can't believe I get these great opportunities!This is from Megan's Facebook page. You can just tell the excitment....makes my heart skip a beat.

tonight no pillow will be empty at my house, my toothbrush will share the cup that holds it again, and my laundry will be back to overflowing!! tonight i will get to cook for someone other than a toddler, and my kids will get to wrestle with their hero!!! TONIGHT MY HUSBAND IS HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥

We met at a house in Freeport who's owners kindly let us use their property. When Mike and Megan stepped out of the truck they were full of smiles. Just being around them made it feel like I was capturing a wedding with that exciting butterfly feeling. They were so inspirational to watch not only with each other but their girls. Sometimes I think God puts people like this in my life to show me to live again. Not that I go a day without loving my kids and my husband but I think once in a while you need that "pick me up". With all the hussle and bussle life brings I think sometimes you take your life for granted but spending an evening with them made me run home and hug my children tighter and kiss my husband longer.

Missing someone really does make the heart grow fonder. When leaving Megan said they have never got that "itch" ...they love each other more every day. I wanted my photo's to capture that feeling. Hope you are as in love with their session as I am...

nothing like running in their daddy's arms...

this one I was taking pictures of the kids and looked up to them snuggling...love it!

Thank you Hiemstra's for allowing me to capture this time. Thank you to Mike and your family for all the sacrifices that you've made for our country!

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