Welcome to Remember When Photography!

Fun Kids!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008, 8:20 PM

I did a session with a great group of kids. I did their pictures a couple of years ago and was excited to go back to the "barn" to shoot again....I have a thing for barn pictures! I guess it brings back some memories of my childhood up at our farm. Here are a few of my favorite:

Love how she looks so serious

I love this b/c this is totally what happens when you try to get four kids to sit together for a picture. Atleast one ends up running off:)

Boys are so goofy sometimes!
Ok, so the running off thing happens all the time not just with a larger group:)
Arm wrestling...
Love this playhouse

So I want to post all the sessions I take but am realizing I will never get caught up if I do. I am super busy this summer. I am hoping to post once a week, more if I have time. Sorry to those of you who I don't post on....I still have favorites from your session:) Until next time....enjoy!

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