portfolio and proofs
rates and contact
Welcome to Remember When Photography!
Long time post
Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 8:43 PM
Wow, it has been a very long time since I have last posted. My site has been down since I switched web designers. My new web designer is so awesome that my site being down was well worth the wait. I will post a few of the session I have missed since last time as soon as I have time again. Here is one for the wait: Until next post:)
Long time post
Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 8:43 PM
Wow, it has been a very long time since I have last posted. My site has been down since I switched web designers. My new web designer is so awesome that my site being down was well worth the wait. I will post a few of the session I have missed since last time as soon as I have time again. Here is one for the wait: Until next post:)
Portfolio and Proofs
To view proofs or Stacy's portfolio, please the link below (will open in a new window):
Proofs and Portfolio
Client Payment
Please use the Paypal button below. Note that you do not need a paypal account to use this service. Need help? Find it Here.
Thank you for your payment!
Rates and Contact
Rates for Relationship Session (six people or less), and Newborn, Infant and Children:
125.00 for session
Cd with copyrights released
Contact Stacy Yeiter by Email.
Phone: 616.437.1472