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Brides of 09
Wednesday, February 18, 2009, 6:38 PM

I am so excited for my weddings coming in 09! One thing I sometimes have to remind brides the day of their wedding is to relax and take time to breathe. The day is going to fly by anyhow but to have time set aside for pictures of just for the bride and groom is extremely important. Sometimes I do wedding where during our meeting the bride and groom say how important great pictures of them are then by the time the ceremony is over they have said just take couple of shots we need to get to our reception!! This totally stresses me out and then makes me wonder if the bride and groom are going to regret that later.
Not that I focus on posed pictures b/c I totally don't but it's nice to have some time set aside for just the bride and groom to love on each other and have it captured:) Here is a wedding I did in 08 that Haley was so great about scheduling in time for "just them". We had some alone time before being announced into the reception which was awesome.
Without this time I may not have got this relaxed glance...
or this nose snuggle....
or this great laugh....

So please all my 09 brides it's your day.....take the time!!:)

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