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Collin & Henrik
Friday, June 6, 2008, 11:36 AM

Yesterday I took pictures of my nephew's, Collin & Henrik. Bedtime was approaching so we had limited time to get some great shots. They are some of the cutest kids I know:) Here are a few from the evening:
Collin wanted to mow the lawn instead of getting pictures taken... what boy wouldn't:)

Henrik with his great smile!

Collin's into making funny faces and saying the word "poop"! Just a boy phase:)

Couldn't take pictures without taking a few of Elsey. This is her blanket she loves.

As I was taking pictures I turned and I caught Elsey resting on her Papa's shoulders striking the cutest pose! I couldn't resist:)

This one is my favorite! I am not sure if it's b/c he has a great smile or if it's b/c his eyes are so blue!!

Thanks guys for having me snap some shots.

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